  • 在线的教育系统
  • 小班外教授课
  • 英语沙龙及精彩活动
  • 学习督导与进度评测
  • 1、科学的计算机测试系统和人性化的测试相结合,为每位学员设计适合自身水平的课程级别。
  • 2、多媒体辅助教学: 学员在中心无限时上机学习课件内容, 电脑室有专业老师为学员解疑或进行小型实际演练。同时电脑室老师辅助学员通过小班定课的学习测试并将学员成绩及时反馈给授课老师。
  • 3、根据实际情况量身定做针对单人的学习方案,对您的学习提供整体性的指导建议。
  • 4、高质量的小班授课为每位学员提供大量机会和时间来消化和实践课件内容。
  • 5、阶段性对每个学员进行精细服务跟踪并定期听取学员反馈以改进本中心服务质量。
  • 6、充足的外教资源很大限度地使学员享受到‘未出国门,身临其境的英语环境’。
  • 7、每天的英语能力拓展沙龙课为学员补充英语知识,发掘学员潜能。
  • 8、每天的英语角使学员无须出国就能了解世界风情文化。
  • 9、丰富多彩的英语活动为学员提供展示英语才华和学有所用的平台。
  • 1. An individualized oral and computerized assessment to ensure the most suitable placement for each client.
  • 2. Computer study lab available from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. with professional lab teacher available at all times to support the client with oral testing, coaching for lesson quizzes and assistance with other questions or problems.
  • 3. A practical, tailor-made learning program for each client with personal suggestions and academic advice for best results.
  • 4. High quality, small classes provide the time and opportunity for ‘real-life’ practice of lesson topics.
  • 5. Routine follow-up and requests for client feedback about service, materials and client progress to improve our service quality.
  • 6. Foreign teacher involvement at all levels to increase the client’s exposure to an English atmosphere.
  • 7. Daily English Salon hosted by local and foreign experts to enrich the client’s English learning experience.
  • 8. Frequent English corner with different methods and topics to stimulate increased understanding of other cultures.
  • 9. A variety of structured social and cultural experiences will provide a stage for clients to expand and practice their

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